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Spectral Digital Library
tel: +380 44 526 3110
fax: +380 44 526 2147
Spectral Library of Golosiiv Plate Archive(pilot project)
Enter the designation of the object:
Examples: RY Sgr
Select the instrumental filter:
default - search in the whole library

instrumental archives
1. RCC1 Ritchey-Chretien 1 m telescope UAGS (Universal Astronomic Glass Spectrograph) Shmidt/Cassegrain camera (110/150) 651''/mm/7o.5, 86A/mm, angle 34.5o Mt. Sanglok near Dushanbe, Tadzhikistan

list of registered objects
1. AC Her AC Hercules RA16:31:02.91 DE+12:45:48.50
2. HD182040 RA19:23:13.30 DE-10:41:31.00
3. R CrB R Coronae Borealis RA15:48:34.40 DE+28:09:24.00
4. RY Sgr RY Sagittarii RA19:16:33.77 DE-33:31:20.40

Enter the area:
Right Ascension, Declination, deg:
Examples for both fields: 12.34567; 02 03 05.5
h g
Size of search region, RA,DEC,deg:
rectangular area; if only one value - round area;
default value - 1 degree, maximum value - 5 degree
Select the instrumental filter:
default - search in the whole library

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