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Main actors in astronomy research in the country  There are 7 Research Institutes in the structure of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NAS of Ukraine), 2 Research Institutes in the structure of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sport of Ukraine (MESYS of Ukraine); 15 astronomical observatories and Departments in the structure of the Universities of the MESYS of Ukraine; 1 Private Astronomical Observatory play a main role in the development and teaching Astronomy in Ukraine.
The XPM Catalog  Absolute proper motions of 280 million stars distributed all over the sky without gaps in the magnitude range 10m < V <20m on the basis of combined data from 2MASS and USNO-A2.0 catalogues.
MAO NASU Plate Archive   Digital archive of MAO NAS of Ukraine (GPA) comprises data of about 26 thousands of direct photographic plates, obtained with 14 instruments in 9 observational sites, and more than 2000 digital images of different resolution available via GPA search pages.
Mykolaiv AO Plate Archive   Digital archive of Mykolaiv Aastronomical Observatory (MykAO) includes astronomical data obtained during observations with photo plates and CCD frames. The digitization of the archive is near its completion. Digitized images are available via a web browser and Aladin.
AO LNU Plate Archive   Astronomical Observatory of Lviv National University (AO LNU) is the owner of valuable archive that stores approximately 8 000 of photographic plates from 1939, including nearly 6 000 direct images of the northern sky. The archive is partly digitized and images are available via the joint search pages of AO LNU and MAO NASU.
IRA UTR-2 catalogue of RS   The very-low frequency sky survey of discrete sources has been obtained in the Institute of Radio Astronomy of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (Kharkov, Ukraine) with the UTR-2 radio telescope at a number of the lowest frequencies used in contemporary radio astronomy within the range from 10 to 25 MHz.
Mykolaiv AO stellar catalogues   27 astrometric stellar catalogues of Mykolaiv Aastronomical Observatory (MykAO) in VOTable format are available for downloading
AO KNU Historic Plate Archive   AO KNU glass collection contains about 20 thousand photographic plates. Historical part of the archive was received during 1898-1946 and now is being digitized.
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The Role of Data Science in Astronomy and Interstellar Exploration 
Space has always been a fascinating frontier for humans. From the first satellite, Sputnik 1, in 1957, to the amazing Mars rovers, our adventures in space show our love for discovery, creativity, and courage. Exploring space is a big dream, always pushing us to learn more and go further. Nowadays, data science is making a meaningful contribution to space technology. It's changing how we think about space. Being able to gather, understand, and use lots of data has helped us get to know the universe better and has changed how we explore and move through space...
GRID-based Virtual Observatory VIRGO.UA 
VO VIRGO.UA for cosmology and astrophysics is a segment of VO «Infrastructure»- a virtual organization, which deals with ensuring the provision of standards for Grid Services for virtual organizations, to ensure reliability functioning of the Ukrainian power grid, Grid training for users and administrators of the Grid sites, as well as the creation of technical conditions UNG for entry into the international grid community...
WDC-Ukraine is a part of World Data Center System of the International Council of Science (ICSU). Among the basic tasks of WDC-Ukraine there is collection, handling and storage of science data and giving access to it for usage both in science research and study process. That include contemporary tutoring technologies and resources of e-libraries and archives; remote access to own information resources for the wide circle of scientists from the universities and science institutions of Ukraine...
US VAO Data Discovery Portal 
Find datasets from thousands of astronomical collections known to the VO and over wide areas of the sky. This includes important collections from archives around the world. Feedback on your experience with the tool is appreciated -- please send your comments, suggestions, and questions to the VAO Help Desk.
US VAO Cross-Comparison Tool 
Perform fast positional cross-matches between an input table of up to 1 million sources and common astronomical source catalogs, such as 2MASS, SDSS DR7 and USNO-B. Feedback on your experience with the tool is appreciated -- please send your comments, suggestions, and questions to the VAO Help Desk.
VOPlot v1.8 Beta 
VOPlot v1.8Beta includes many enhancements and bug fixes. To name a few v1.8Beta supports multi-grid plots for 2D Scatter-Plot which allows the user to have multiple plots having grid size from 1x1 to 3x3 in a single window. Paginated view is added to see data in tabular format which allows user to navigate systematically. Provision to label Lat/Long lines is also added. Users can now plot a cumulative histogram for all histogram types. VOPlot 1.8Beta shows the metadata of a FITS file instantaneously while the actual loading happens in background. VOPlot v1.8Beta also provides better handling of "faulty data" while parsing an ASCII file.

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 Vimachenko Anatoly Petrovich 

General data:

Born: 17.11.1952

Place of birth: Horbovychi village , Kyiv-Sviatoshynskyi district, Kyiv region, Ukrainian SSR.

Studied in: T. G. Shevchenko Kyiv Order of Lenin State University (since 1999 Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University) (1975);

Key interests: Jupiter and its satellites, Saturn and its satellites. PhD Thesis: Photometric properties of the parts of Saturn's disk (1983 Main Astronomical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR); ScD Thesis: Periodic changes in the parameters of the atmosphere of Jupiter and Saturn (1999 Main Astronomical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine);


He was born November 17, 1952 in the Horbovychi village Kyiv Sviatoshynskyi district of Kyiv region of Ukrainian SSR.

In 1964 he graduated from elementary school in the Horbovychi village. In 1970 he graduated from high school in Shpitki village in Kyiv-Sviatoshynsky districtof Kyiv region.

In June 1975 he defended his degree in Astronomy and Physics, after finishing physical faculty of T. G. Shevchenko Kyiv Order of Lenin State University on theme "Preparing television supervisory system based on the television receiving tube" Superortykon "and the study of meteor phenomena with it." During 1975 - 1977 he worked as a senior laboratory of the Department of Astronomy Physics Department of T. G. Shevchenko Kyiv Order of Lenin State University.

Since 29 February 1977 till 2 April 1981 has been working in the Main Astronomical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR as an engineer and then to 1 August 1986 as junior researcher at the Main Astronomical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR.

In 1981-1983 Vidmachenko A.P., Steklov A.F. and Minyailo N.F. applied for the first time N. N. Kolotilov's ideas of transition from bionics to symbiotechnics (i.e. to the symbiosis of biological and technical systems) in applied planetology. Thus, a special symbiotechnical planetology arose, which is useful both for protecting the Earth's bioresources and for the practical terrafication of other suitable planets and planetoids.

In November 1, 1983 he defended at Main Astronomical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR his thesis for the degree of Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, specialty 01.03.02 - Astrophysics and radio astronomy, the Main Astronomical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. Topic: "Photometric properties of Saturn's disk details».

In December 15, 1987 by the National Academy of Sciences and the Higher Council for Scientific Research of the Republic of Bolivia he was elected an honorary member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bolivia.

Since May 4, 1991 he is a senior fellow at the Main Astronomical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine.

In October 22, 1999 (according to other data in 1998) he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, specialty 01.03.03 - Heliophysics and the physics of the solar system, at the Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on "Periodic variation of the parameters of the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn "and during December, 1 1999 - 2012 he holds the position of head of the Department of Physics of the solar system Main Astronomical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

June 27, 2000 he decision of the HAC of Ukraine awarded the rank of Senior Scientist in specialty 01.03.03 - Heliophysics and Physics of the Solar System.

December 24, 2007 decision of the Certifying Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine awarded the title of Professor of General and Technical Physics.

In May 16, 2009 was elected Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher School of Ukraine.

Since January 1? 2013 he is Head of Department of Physics of planetary systems Main Astronomical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Since 1998 he has taught the subject "Comparative Planetology" at the Department of Astronomy and Space Physics Physical Faculty of Taras Shevchenko National University. Since 2000 he has taught the subject "General Physics" and "Physics" at the Department of Physics, National University of biological resources and Environmental Sciences.

Developed an on-board ultraviolet spectrometer-polarimeter for monitoring planetary atmospheres, which broke through the space experiment "Planetary Monitoring" in the laboratory of atmospheric optics MAO. as well as the Borto UV spectrometer-polarimeter in co-authorship with Monsar O.O. and Ivanov Yu.S.

His research is devoted to the study of variations of optical, dynamic, kinematic characteristics and physical properties of the atmospheres of planets and exoplanets, experimental seismology atmospheres of giant planets.

He failed to register a first oscillations in the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn, along with his colleagues were able to detect seasonal changes in the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn. Also engaged in developing, manufacturing and research photometric, spectral and polarimetric apparatus for remote study of the solar system and extrasolar planets.

While working in the Main Astronomical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was the head of the astronomical mountain expeditions to Mount Maydanak the Republic of Uzbekistan since 1977 to 1993 and Director of the International Astronomical Expedition to the Republic of Bolivia in Santa Anna Observatory since 1985 to 1987.

He participated in the international cooperative programs on terrestrial accompaniment for Space Studies of Halley's comet, for the study of the atmosphere of Jupiter, on the study chromospheric activity of stars in our galaxy, searching for planets around binary star systems.

At the end of July 2013, Churyumov K.I. photographed the bright trail of a twilight bolide over Kyiv City. After that, Churyumov K.I. , Kruchynenko V.G., Vidmachenko A.P., Steklov A.F. came to a conclusion about the need to create a ground-based aerospace monitoring service.

List of publications includes more than 300 items, including 2 monographs (Ukrainian) (Vidmachenko AP Morozhenko O. "Investigation surface satellites and rings of giant planets" (Kyiv Open DIA. - 2012. - 255 p. (Відьмаченко А.П., Мороженко О.В. «Дослідження поверхні супутників і кілець планет-гігантів», (К.: ТОВ ДІА. - 2012. -525 с.) ) and Vidmachenko A. P. Morozhenko A. V. "Physical properties of surfaces earth-like planets, dwarf planets and small satellites and their distance according to research" (Kyiv: Publisher "Pro." 2014. - 388p.(Відьмаченко А.П., Мороженко О.В. «Фізичні характеристики поверхонь планет земного типу, карликових і малих планет та їх супутників за даними дистанційних досліджень», (Київ: Видавництво «Профі». 2014. – 388 с.)), scholarly articles in several books, articles in refereed journals and conference proceedings, theses conferences textbook "Comparative Planetology" (in Ukrainian), textbooks on physics and non-fiction articles in the "Nautical Almanac" (Ukrainian language) and articles in popular science magazines (Ukrainian and Russian).

Main publications:
  1. Відьмаченко А.П., Мороженко О.В. Фізичні характеристики поверхонь планет земного типу, карликових і малих планет та їх супутників за даними дистанційних досліджень. - Київ: Видавництво «Профі», 2014. – 388с.
  2. Відьмаченко А.П., Мороженко О.В. Дослідження поверхні супутників і кілець планет-гігантів.- К.: ТОВ ДІА, 2012. -525 с.
  3. КIТ — автоматизований малий телескоп/Я.О.Романюк, А.П.Вiдьмаченко//Вiсник Астрономiчної школи, 2015,Том 11, No 2, 2015-С. 157 – 162
  4. Наблюдаемые утренних волновых процессов в атмосфере Юпитера /Видьмаченко А. П. //Кинемат. и физ. небес. тел, 1988, 4, №2, С. 40-46

  1  Ботвінова В.В. Перелік дисертацій на здобуття вченого ступеня доктора (кандидата) фізико-математичних наук, виконаних в Головній астрономічній обсерваторії Національної академії наук України в 1944-1993рр. //50 років Головній астрономічній обсерваторії / Під ред. Яцківа Я.С. - Київ, 1994.-320с.- С.309
  3  Головна астрономічна обсерваторія НАН України. Співробітники
  4  Optical instrument making optical design Main astronomical observatory NAS of Ukraine

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