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Main actors in astronomy research in the country  There are 7 Research Institutes in the structure of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NAS of Ukraine), 2 Research Institutes in the structure of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sport of Ukraine (MESYS of Ukraine); 15 astronomical observatories and Departments in the structure of the Universities of the MESYS of Ukraine; 1 Private Astronomical Observatory play a main role in the development and teaching Astronomy in Ukraine.
The XPM Catalog  Absolute proper motions of 280 million stars distributed all over the sky without gaps in the magnitude range 10m < V <20m on the basis of combined data from 2MASS and USNO-A2.0 catalogues.
MAO NASU Plate Archive   Digital archive of MAO NAS of Ukraine (GPA) comprises data of about 26 thousands of direct photographic plates, obtained with 14 instruments in 9 observational sites, and more than 2000 digital images of different resolution available via GPA search pages.
Mykolaiv AO Plate Archive   Digital archive of Mykolaiv Aastronomical Observatory (MykAO) includes astronomical data obtained during observations with photo plates and CCD frames. The digitization of the archive is near its completion. Digitized images are available via a web browser and Aladin.
AO LNU Plate Archive   Astronomical Observatory of Lviv National University (AO LNU) is the owner of valuable archive that stores approximately 8 000 of photographic plates from 1939, including nearly 6 000 direct images of the northern sky. The archive is partly digitized and images are available via the joint search pages of AO LNU and MAO NASU.
IRA UTR-2 catalogue of RS   The very-low frequency sky survey of discrete sources has been obtained in the Institute of Radio Astronomy of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (Kharkov, Ukraine) with the UTR-2 radio telescope at a number of the lowest frequencies used in contemporary radio astronomy within the range from 10 to 25 MHz.
Mykolaiv AO stellar catalogues   27 astrometric stellar catalogues of Mykolaiv Aastronomical Observatory (MykAO) in VOTable format are available for downloading
AO KNU Historic Plate Archive   AO KNU glass collection contains about 20 thousand photographic plates. Historical part of the archive was received during 1898-1946 and now is being digitized.
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Navigating the Stars: A Young Learner's Guide to Astronomy 
For as long as humanity has gazed upward, the night sky has been a source of fascination, wonder, and endless curiosity. The stars that light up the dark canvas of the night, the planets that dance across the sky, and the boundless mysteries of the universe invite us to question, explore, and dream. This guide serves as a compass to understand the vast realm of astronomy, lead you through the cosmos, enhance your understanding of the world, and inspire you to discover your place within this universe....
The Role of Data Science in Astronomy and Interstellar Exploration 
Space has always been a fascinating frontier for humans. From the first satellite, Sputnik 1, in 1957, to the amazing Mars rovers, our adventures in space show our love for discovery, creativity, and courage. Exploring space is a big dream, always pushing us to learn more and go further.Nowadays, data science is making a meaningful contribution to space technology. It's changing how we think about space. Being able to gather, understand, and use lots of data has helped us get to know the universe better and has changed how we explore and move through space.This article will examine how important data science is in space technology and how it's changing our journey into space. We'll cover how data science is making our space missions smarter and helping us solve the mysteries of space...
GRID-based Virtual Observatory VIRGO.UA 
VO VIRGO.UA for cosmology and astrophysics is a segment of VO «Infrastructure»- a virtual organization, which deals with ensuring the provision of standards for Grid Services for virtual organizations, to ensure reliability functioning of the Ukrainian power grid, Grid training for users and administrators of the Grid sites, as well as the creation of technical conditions UNG for entry into the international grid community...
US VAO Data Discovery Portal 
Find datasets from thousands of astronomical collections known to the VO and over wide areas of the sky. This includes important collections from archives around the world. Feedback on your experience with the tool is appreciated -- please send your comments, suggestions, and questions to the VAO Help Desk.
US VAO Cross-Comparison Tool 
Perform fast positional cross-matches between an input table of up to 1 million sources and common astronomical source catalogs, such as 2MASS, SDSS DR7 and USNO-B. Feedback on your experience with the tool is appreciated -- please send your comments, suggestions, and questions to the VAO Help Desk.
VOPlot v1.8 Beta 
VOPlot v1.8Beta includes many enhancements and bug fixes. To name a few v1.8Beta supports multi-grid plots for 2D Scatter-Plot which allows the user to have multiple plots having grid size from 1x1 to 3x3 in a single window. Paginated view is added to see data in tabular format which allows user to navigate systematically. Provision to label Lat/Long lines is also added. Users can now plot a cumulative histogram for all histogram types. VOPlot 1.8Beta shows the metadata of a FITS file instantaneously while the actual loading happens in background. VOPlot v1.8Beta also provides better handling of "faulty data" while parsing an ASCII file.

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 Yezersyka (Fedoretc) Valentina Aleksandrovna 

General data:

02.02.1923 - 1976

Place of birth: Lelyuhovka village, Poltava region, Ukrainian SSR

Studied in: A. M. Gorky Kharkiv State University (since 1999 V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University) (1946);

Key interests: catalog of details of the lunar surface, solar physics. PhD Thesis: Photographic photometry of lunar surface (1951 A. M. Gorky Kharkiv State University);


She was born on February 2, 1923 in the Lelyukhovka village of Poltava region of the Ukrainian SSR.

She was a student of A. M. Gorky Kharkiv State University, majoring in "astronomy" of the war years, which combined study with work in the hospital. In 1946 she graduated from A. M. Gorky Kharkiv State University.

After graduation of university she was a graduate student of N. P. Barabashov, graduating in 1949.

After the War, together with Akimov L. A., Evsyukov M. M., Chekirda A. T., Tsvetkova V. S. studied in detail the photometric properties of individual formations of the lunar surface. In 1949, she created a unique photometric catalog of the Moon.

In 1951 she defended her dissertation "Photographic photometry of the lunar surface" at the A. M. Gorky Kharkiv State University.

Its catalog of 176 areas of the lunar surface in the 1950s and 1960s was the main source of information on the reflective properties of the lunar surface not only in the former USSR, but also abroad, particularly in the United States. Also, this catalog was the basis of these works on the choice of places of application of soft landing devices and stations for the collection of lunar soil, which in the USSR were conducted under the leadership of N. P. Barabashov, and later V. I. Ezersky.

She participated in expeditions led by Pluzhnikov V. H. to observe solar eclipses on February 25, 1952 near the Chilistation of Kzilorda region of the then Kazakh SSR and in the Kobeliaky village of Poltava region in June 30, 1954.

At the beginning of the 50s of the XX century she confirmed the effect of strong backscattering on the lunar surface, discovered by N. P. Barabashov in the 20s of the 20th century.

She supervised the supervisory work of the Kharkiv branch №34501 of the International Sun Service during 1962-1964.

In 1952, she performed thorough work on photographic photometry of the lunar surface having processed manually obtained photos of 176 areas on the top of the Moon.

She was an associate professor of astronomy at the A. M. Gorky Kharkiv State University during 1946-1965, working at the University Observatory. She also worked at the G. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv Pedagogical Institute during 1965-1976 (according to other data, she moved to teaching at the institute in 1964) as an associate professor of the physics department.

She died in 1976 (according to other data in 1977).

She is the author of more than 20 scientific papers.

The name of V. A. Fedorets is immortalized in the name of the crater on Venus.

Main publications:
  1. Езерская В. А., Езерский В. И., Лаврова Н. П., Псарев В. А. Детальная фотометрия лунной поверхности по фотографиям АМС «Зонд-8» // Вестн. Харьков. гос. ун-та. − 1975. − № 129. Астрономия. Вып. 10. − С. 24-37
  2. Александров Ю. В., Евсюков Н. Н., Езерская В. А., Кузьменко К. Н., Ходячих М. Ф. Ответы к программированным заданиям по астрономии для машинного и безмашинного контроля знаний студентов. − X., 1979. − 45 с
  3. Александров Ю. В., Евсюков Н. Н., Езерская В. А., Кузьменко К. Н., Ходячих М. Ф. Программированные задания по астрономии для машинного и безмашинного контроля знаний студентов. − X.: ХГУ, 1979. − 18 с
  4. Езерский В. И., Езерская В. А., Мамницкий В. И., Олифер Н. С., Псарев В. А., Селиванов А. С., Нараева М. К., Бохонов М. И. Фотометрия участков поверхности Марса по снимкам АМС «Марс-5» // Поверхность Марса. Гл. 5. − М.: Наука, 1980. − C. 93-106

  1  2.9. ИСТОРИЯ И РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЙ СОЛНЦА /Л. А. Акимов, И. Л. Белкина, Н. П. Дятел, Г. П. Марченко.-С. 2, 5
  2  Астрономы харьковсского университета в годы Великой Отечественной войны/ Ю. В. Александров//UNIVERSITATES. Наука и просвещение. – 2005. – № 4 (24). - С.233.
  3  Шкуратов Ю.Г. Хождение в науку.-Харьков: Харьковский национальный университет имени В.Н. Каразина, 2013. – 333 с.-С. 54, 82
  4  Енциклопедія українознавства. Словникова частина (ЕУ-II). — Париж, Нью-Йорк, 1955. — Т. 1. — С. 69-78

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