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Main actors in astronomy research in the country  There are 7 Research Institutes in the structure of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NAS of Ukraine), 2 Research Institutes in the structure of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sport of Ukraine (MESYS of Ukraine); 15 astronomical observatories and Departments in the structure of the Universities of the MESYS of Ukraine; 1 Private Astronomical Observatory play a main role in the development and teaching Astronomy in Ukraine.
The XPM Catalog  Absolute proper motions of 280 million stars distributed all over the sky without gaps in the magnitude range 10m < V <20m on the basis of combined data from 2MASS and USNO-A2.0 catalogues.
MAO NASU Plate Archive   Digital archive of MAO NAS of Ukraine (GPA) comprises data of about 26 thousands of direct photographic plates, obtained with 14 instruments in 9 observational sites, and more than 2000 digital images of different resolution available via GPA search pages.
Mykolaiv AO Plate Archive   Digital archive of Mykolaiv Aastronomical Observatory (MykAO) includes astronomical data obtained during observations with photo plates and CCD frames. The digitization of the archive is near its completion. Digitized images are available via a web browser and Aladin.
AO LNU Plate Archive   Astronomical Observatory of Lviv National University (AO LNU) is the owner of valuable archive that stores approximately 8 000 of photographic plates from 1939, including nearly 6 000 direct images of the northern sky. The archive is partly digitized and images are available via the joint search pages of AO LNU and MAO NASU.
IRA UTR-2 catalogue of RS   The very-low frequency sky survey of discrete sources has been obtained in the Institute of Radio Astronomy of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (Kharkov, Ukraine) with the UTR-2 radio telescope at a number of the lowest frequencies used in contemporary radio astronomy within the range from 10 to 25 MHz.
Mykolaiv AO stellar catalogues   27 astrometric stellar catalogues of Mykolaiv Aastronomical Observatory (MykAO) in VOTable format are available for downloading
AO KNU Historic Plate Archive   AO KNU glass collection contains about 20 thousand photographic plates. Historical part of the archive was received during 1898-1946 and now is being digitized.
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Navigating the Stars: A Young Learner's Guide to Astronomy 
For as long as humanity has gazed upward, the night sky has been a source of fascination, wonder, and endless curiosity. The stars that light up the dark canvas of the night, the planets that dance across the sky, and the boundless mysteries of the universe invite us to question, explore, and dream. This guide serves as a compass to understand the vast realm of astronomy, lead you through the cosmos, enhance your understanding of the world, and inspire you to discover your place within this universe....
The Role of Data Science in Astronomy and Interstellar Exploration 
Space has always been a fascinating frontier for humans. From the first satellite, Sputnik 1, in 1957, to the amazing Mars rovers, our adventures in space show our love for discovery, creativity, and courage. Exploring space is a big dream, always pushing us to learn more and go further.Nowadays, data science is making a meaningful contribution to space technology. It's changing how we think about space. Being able to gather, understand, and use lots of data has helped us get to know the universe better and has changed how we explore and move through space.This article will examine how important data science is in space technology and how it's changing our journey into space. We'll cover how data science is making our space missions smarter and helping us solve the mysteries of space...
GRID-based Virtual Observatory VIRGO.UA 
VO VIRGO.UA for cosmology and astrophysics is a segment of VO «Infrastructure»- a virtual organization, which deals with ensuring the provision of standards for Grid Services for virtual organizations, to ensure reliability functioning of the Ukrainian power grid, Grid training for users and administrators of the Grid sites, as well as the creation of technical conditions UNG for entry into the international grid community...
US VAO Data Discovery Portal 
Find datasets from thousands of astronomical collections known to the VO and over wide areas of the sky. This includes important collections from archives around the world. Feedback on your experience with the tool is appreciated -- please send your comments, suggestions, and questions to the VAO Help Desk.
US VAO Cross-Comparison Tool 
Perform fast positional cross-matches between an input table of up to 1 million sources and common astronomical source catalogs, such as 2MASS, SDSS DR7 and USNO-B. Feedback on your experience with the tool is appreciated -- please send your comments, suggestions, and questions to the VAO Help Desk.
VOPlot v1.8 Beta 
VOPlot v1.8Beta includes many enhancements and bug fixes. To name a few v1.8Beta supports multi-grid plots for 2D Scatter-Plot which allows the user to have multiple plots having grid size from 1x1 to 3x3 in a single window. Paginated view is added to see data in tabular format which allows user to navigate systematically. Provision to label Lat/Long lines is also added. Users can now plot a cumulative histogram for all histogram types. VOPlot 1.8Beta shows the metadata of a FITS file instantaneously while the actual loading happens in background. VOPlot v1.8Beta also provides better handling of "faulty data" while parsing an ASCII file.

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 Ponomarev Yevgeny Alexandrovich 

General data:

07.05.1929 - 12.06.2008

Place of birth: Perm city, Ural region, Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic

Studied in: A. M. Gorky Ural StateUniversity, Sverdlovsk city, Russian SSR (since February 2, 2011,was included to First President of Russia B. M. Yeltsin Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg City, the Russian Federation) (1952);

Key interests: solar wind, solar-terrestrial connections, solar corona


He was born on May 7, 1929 in the Perm city of Ural region of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic in a family of doctors. His father was a surgeon, and his mother was a microbiologist.

In the fall of 1952, as a graduate of the A. M. Gorky Ural State University in Sverdlovsk, Russian SSR, he completed pre-diploma practice at the T. G. Shevchenko Kyiv State University. In the fall of 1953, he enrolled in postgraduate studies at the Department of Astronomy of T. G. Shevchenko Kyiv State University. S. K. Vsekhsvyatsky, who was also one of his teachers during his studies at the university, became his scientific supervisor. Thus, he joined the group of then young researchers in the field of solar and cometary astronomy, which was later called the "Vsekhsvyatsky school" or the "Kyiv school". In 1957 (according to his own memoirs, February 19, 1958), a year after completing his graduate studies, he defended his PhD thesis, where the term "solar wind" was used for the first time, actually ahead of the American astronomer Parker. S. B. Pickelner was an opponent of E. A. Ponomaryov, but despite the fact that no errors were found in the work, he did not recognize the authority of his compatriot, the author of the dynamic model of the solar corona.

During 1957 (preparations for the expedition began in 1957, but he actually arrived at the station on March 6) - 1959, he worked in Tiksa, the Arctic Research Observatory on the construction of an observation station of the Department of Astronomy at the Institute of Cosmophysics and Aeronomy of the Yakut Branch of the Academy of Sciences ( IKFIA), being the senior of the group.

In May 1959, he was enrolled as a senior scientific and technical employee of the laboratory of the "Object of the MGR (International Geophysical Year)". In 1960, he participated in an expedition to Tiks. In January 1961, he went to work in Yakutsk, where he worked in the "school of astrophysics".

In 1965, he received an invitation to work at the Siberian Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Aeronomy and Solar Physics, now ISZF, Irkutsk. In the late 1970s, he was appointed responsible for the execution of economic and contractual works. After a number of years of persistent and routine work (scientific leadership and participation in polar expeditions, the creation of a base stationary infrasound station of the ISZF in Tunkinskaya district of the Republic of Buryatia, monitoring of infrasound sources, organization of atmospheric infrasound research in auroral latitudes, in Kamchatka), his work was awarded with certificates institute, awarded with the "Badge of Honor" order.

At the end of the 1970s, a connection was established with the Ministry of Defense, and in the 1980s, farm contract work on the lines of this ministry began. Several works were carried out in this direction. Even then, the development of the concept of the propagation of infrasound signals over long distances in AAC - in atmospheric acoustic channels - began.

During the years of reforms (90s), Yevhen Oleksandrovych had a hard time experiencing the collapse in science, the decline in the pace of scientific research due to underfunding and the outflow of scientific personnel, but he stubbornly continued to work actively and look for alternative sources of funding.

In May 1996, the ISZF was officially invited to the International Conference on the Discussion of the Terms of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, which was organized near Moscow, in the area of the city of Istra, and E. A. Ponomaryev was among the delegates. It was a very large conference, with by invitation of participating specialists from the USA, France, China, Canada, etc. The topic of the conference was aimed at the development of methods and means of control over the conduct of unauthorized nuclear tests on the issue of nuclear non-proliferation. Thus, as a result of many years of work, he and his colleagues managed to get involved in the topic of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. In recent years, he led the ISZF group in 2 large International ISTC projects No. 1341 and No. 2845 aimed at methodical support of the acoustic segment of the International System for Monitoring Unsanctioned Nuclear Tests. In the course of these projects, the results of many years of work on infrasound research at ISZF were summarized, and the main results were published in prestigious world scientific publications. In July 2003, a working meeting was held in Irkutsk on the results of the ISTC project No. 1341 with the participation of colleagues from France, who approved the results obtained in the work.

Died on June 12, 2008.

He is known as the author of the dynamic model of the solar corona, within which realistic values of the flow of the number of particles in the solar wind were obtained for the first time. Among his scientific achievements is the explanation of the coastal effect in terrestrial currents, the detection and study of the regular noise background of natural electromagnetic radiation in the high latitudes of the Earth. He put forward and confirmed the hypothesis about the redistribution of energy in the Earth's magnetosphere during large storms, and developed a kinematic model of a substorm.

He was a pioneer of radiophysical and acoustic observations in the Arctic. The concept of complex terrestrial geophysical observations in high latitudes developed by him was widely used by Siberian scientists in the course of work under the program "International Studies of the Magnetosphere".

He paid great attention to setting up new geophysical experiments. Under his leadership, a new type of geophysical observation for domestic science was introduced - registration of infrasound radiation of the upper atmosphere. The results of his theoretical developments were widely used not only in fundamental, but also in applied research. Several large research projects aimed at improving the country's security were carried out under his leadership.

He also paid great attention to scientific and pedagogical work, giving lectures to students and being a scientific supervisor and consultant in the preparation of candidate and doctoral theses. 20 of his students defended their scientific theses.

He also had a talent as a poet.

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